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Founder President

Founder Vice-President

Founder Vice-President


In the establishment of our Samaj , there seems to be full cooperation of all of you and the god’s reverence.

Around June 2002, I came to know about the constitution of Surati Samaj through a friend. During the same period. The leaders of Kosindra Area who were living at New Jersey, who were diverting their attention and were putting up their work. When I talked with my other friends about this , a definite direction was found to proceed ahead in that matter and all efforts were directed towards it.

Seed were sown for the establishment of the Samaj (Unity & creation )

Everone liked this thought by the persons living at America & Canada. They all Liked this idea and Enthusiastic Group of persons met at New Jersey at different places. Prolonged discussions were held to organize and the first gethering was held at New Jersey..For the First time around 300 persons assembled. Unprecedented Full cooperation was given. This function was successfully organized and present persons borne all the costs of this function. Thus with joy and with enthusiasm the Birth of Samaj took place. Today in last 10 years the Samaj has progressed forward successively. To day the Samaj undertakes different type of activities.

The Samaj so organized is for the Progress of every one. This progress is achieved by the efforts of one and all. I am sure same way the progress will also be achieved in future as well. Since year 2004 various functions of Samaj like Diwali Milan, Picnics etc

have been very well and successfully organized. Further the “Dashabdi Function “ (Decade’s Celebration ) everyone enjoyed this occasion and every one helped willingly. Every one exhibited feeling of being part of our own Samaj. As a result of this people from other communities became aware of the Samaj of Kosindra Nav Gam. Now in all our programs organized by our Samaj, various VIPs, Industrialists and Leaders of other communities are also invited and felicitation being arranged for them.

We humbly appeal to all of you should come forward for the progress and prosperity of Samaj and to pay back to Samaj. Because of all these united efforts, the children of Samaj Prosper and the relations between new and old generation develops. In fact they turn to be big one family live and always active.

May God provide us strength , prosperity and peace to us!

presidentDuring the Period 2004 to 2007 under the Leadership of The First President Mr. Chandubhai Patel and Vice President Shankerbhai for strengthening the unity of the Samaj, every one extended heir cooperation, and inspiration.

During the Period of 2007 to 2011 Mr. Ratibhai B. Patel (Kosindra) was President. Under his leadership people were more enthusiastic. Meetings of the working committee met repeatedly. In which directives, co-operation, and various programs with diversity became matter of discussion and the name of Patidar Samaj was echoed. Because of his relations, nature , progress took a definite direction.

All became more devoted to Samaj and did everything possible. Since the inception of Samaj, I worked as a Secretary. Later all the members of the Samaj declared me as a President with unanimous consent.

Thus since 2011. I became responsible and was given a chance to become a leader of Samaj. Then I worked with fullest cooperation of you all and became successful in all my endeavours.

Many of our Patidars brothers & sisters have settled America Canada in foreign lands. They have good luck of settling here in these countries. Because of the suitable circumstances, ability to excel,with courage and hard work, their dream became true.

Since people from India settled here in a scattered manner , therefore chance to meet in person become less. In this connection it could be said that if we meet often and exchange our thoughts, I firmly believe that it will be very useful and fruitful. Let us remember that Relatives, Friends, unknown persons , and we are all birds of our Samaj and if we meet each other, it will be full of happiness and it will be not less than full of ecstasy.

The World has progressed and every thing has changed very speedily. It is very important to be aware of various forces in this computer yug, which is changing very fast, and is very important and useful to the Samaj.

It is very important the Constitution of the Society, their rules and their parts , their values are to be maintained by the Samaj itself. It is important to retain it’s culture and for which also the Samaj is necessary, It is very specifically postulated that the Samaj is tied with cultural ties, and these ties are strengthened with the strong fragments of devotion.The Samaj is inter-woven with these Various fragments.

During the year the members of working committee along with all other family members of Samaj, We arranged various programs like picnics and Diwali Milan and celebrated them happily & impressively, with cooperation of every one.

So there remains no Paucity of funds for during various meetings thus organized exhibit the strength of unity. In the Year 2014 when Decade’s Celebration were to be organized , every one enjoyed the whole day with well arranged long variety of programs and were overjoyed.

I hope that we all should strive to do , and keep smallest useful details thereof and we apply these things and work to strive. I am fully confident that , the new generation will take serious interest therein and will lead further to adopt these various programs.

Our young generation will definite take interest towards the progress, & prosperity of our Samaj and they will definitely contribute towards this in future as well.

In connection with the information about the works of Samaj in the native place, some people are regularly providing help to this cause. Notable names are Kashipur’s Mohanbhai Lallubhai Patel, Dhirubhai Mathurbhai Patel, Kosindra’s Jivanbhai Vitthalbhai Patel and Ahmedabad’s Atulbhaibhai Bhatt are thankfully providing valuable services. In this new published book the family’s information have been thankfully compiled by Nirali Rakeshbhai Patel.Her contribution through computer is thankfully very special.

I extend my thanks to one and all for providing necessary information, contributing their help, time and money for this New Samaj Book. I accept gratefully their valuable contribution to our cause.



Residents of Bodeli Taluka residing adjoining Heran River Leuva Patidar belonging to villages Kosindra, Chikodra, Raj Bodeli, Kashipura, Salpura, Vandha Chalamani, Kali Doli, Vasna & Lathod are included.

This Samaj have been established with the purpose of providing environment like our Native Place, people remain in close contacts of one and another, social contacts should become strong and, a family feeling develops among the residents of these villages.

First of all , the First ever get to gather was organized on 1st August 2004 at New Jersey. Later on within span of some time programs were arranged in other states. As a result of this, persons who never participated, were lucky to attend such gatherings. People became happy and people also started realizing the value of such gatherings.

All the people living at America, are being regularly contacted through phone and they are kept well informed and invitations are extended.

People eagerly awaits for the summer picnic being arranged. Persons from other communities and friends are also invited regularly as guest. As a result of this people from other community became aware of our Samaj and it’s activities and unity.

During Diwali Celebrations children’s interests are kept in centre and many of them are facilitated.

Various activities and programs Are arranged such as :

Facilitation of elders beyond 75 years.
Facilities of couples who have completed 25 years of marriage.
Facilitation of Newly wedded couples.
Facilitation of students and other persons who have excelled in different fields.
New arrived families from Native place are also facilitated.
Facilitation of invited guests from different communities.

Different type of deliberations are also held in order to give impetus to activities of Samaj. Information are collected from different families by contacting them on phone, email, arranged and tried to published in book form. Please extend your fullest cooperation in this matter to enable us achieve our aim and also draw our attention to mistakes occurring therein in new edition.

The Number of families settled in America from these nine villages comes to 250. Bye & bye the number is going on increasing, which is matter of pride to us all. Since the programs about our communities are being regularly covered by many local news papers, therefore more and more people are becoming aware of Samaj and their activities..

In order the management of SAMAJ is run well, and it becomes easier, you are therefore requested to inform us about any change in your address immediately. Also please provide us the information about the new coming families. This will also be helpful to us to send information of Samaj programs.

All our Samaj information is available on web site www.kngps.org



coordinatorAny community shines because of their committed and SHUKANVANTA (Lucky) members. The community shines because of their illustrious, industrious persons in the native /area from Vasna to Vantha of Kosindra area living near mother Heran river.

There are many people special SADGUN (Virtous) people. This is specially because of the development provided by the Leuva Patidar Samaj and elders and “Kanku and Kanya” rituals which is being followed by one and all in the community. Years back agriculture was the only source of income. Elders, mother-father of large families though faced lot of difficulties but encouraged their children to become education loving persons. Children who achieved higher education started settling down in the cities after getting service there. They came in the contacts of people of different walks of life and were guided suitably. Many of them got chances because of their family connections they got their lucky chances to come to America- Canada and other advance countries.

Initial period was difficult as the language was different and the culture was very differen. For their staple diet they faces lot of difficulties as they faced paucity of suitable eating materials.But they faced all this courageously and compromised in their heart.

The saying “One who stayed, he flourished” was justified. With the help of elders residing here and co-operation of others, the Samaj was established. At least twice in a year programs were celebrated and all of them met. These programs included Summer picnic and Diwali get to-gather. There programs was started in order the definite rules & regulations were formed for judicious management. Keeping that in mind constitution was written. With President and every representatives of the village, working committee was formed.The office of the Samaj was started from the resident of Pravinbhai Patel at 565 Winchester Avenue, Union New Jersey. Every year meetings were held 3 to 4 times in the year. Many times Working Committee Members wished meeting to be held at their place. Because of this reason their families got a chance to meet host families & other Working Committee Members. It was always their aim as to how best work should be done and for this directives of everyone was considered.

Whatever is decided it is noted in the minute book.

For doing the suitable work of the Samaj and keeping in mind the administrative requirements, the members have to visit different places. Mr. Pravinbhai Patel is such a able and devoted , service oriented person utilizes his weekends, leaves for the Work of Samaj. He does not care about the time involved in such works. His only aim is work for Samaj.

During the arrangement of Picnic, care is taken for every one, younger to elder ones. Games for youngsters, children, antakshari etc are such programs which is enjoyed by one and all. With variety in food items every one becomes happy. Diwali means happy festival and meeting of every one. We all know that where there is Gujarati, every thing is present there. Like Culture, Arts, Literature, Music, Dance,Drama Festivals, Rites, Dandia which is being celebrated during Navaratri. Our Gujarati always
take with them, their cultural traditions etc, to wish Sal Muabarak to each other, Happy New Year & renew their old acquaintances.

When we sit to gather, hold talks, old talks, narration about wonderful events are remembered. While discussing about marriages, it gives impression that the Bride Groom Party has actually arrived, Where Dhol- Nagaras are playing and what a pleasure its is to walk down to other village on foot. Taking meals even on ground, on Patrara and Padia comes to memory.

Even in the Change of Geography the old memories never die or forgotten. To obey all the elders. Meeting on such occasions is conducive to enhance/ increase strengthen inter-personal relations. Many social questions are solved on the spot immediately.


Auspicious gathering of One & All

After travelling beyond the ocean, when it was like dream, in the beginning , from our Samaj Mr. Navinbhai Shankerbhai Patel of Kosindra reached here during the year 1970 on Student’s Visa. Later from Kashipura Sumanbhai Patel settled here legally on a permanent Resident Visa. Thereafter many of their blood relatives arrived here and settled down. After about 30 years When a introductory booklet about Surat Patidar Samaj was received by Shri Chandubhai Patel and inspiration came, and efforts were taken on foot to establish Kosindra Samaj.

Living here faraway from our motherland, every one remembers his /her native place , it is quite natural. Initially there were lot of difficulties when one can enjoy the feeling of oneness like native place, extend help & cooperation to one another, remain in regular contact, and meet on all good/ sad circumstances. Keeping this aim in mind the Samaj was established. In 2004 in the first ever get-to-gether around 300 persons surprisingly met and attended the meeting.

Later every year programs were organized and more and more people joined enthusiastically and 10 years passed like a pleasant dream. During July 2014 Celebration of Decade was organized . During the whole day, there were various variety of programs.

In these programs which was attended by all the persons of every age like, children, young, elders & sisters. With their immense contribution, whole day was filled by many entertaining series of programs.

Mr. Nayanbhai Pancholi & his group rendered remarkable programs of old songs, Lok Geet, Doha, Chhands, Chopai, Garba etc

when everyone present enjoyed these programs in full. Everyone appreciated this Decade’s Celebration program very much and expressed it as memorable.

In Various other states also Samaj Organized various programs on a Large scale. Mr Bhaskerbhai & Sheelaben allowed the use of their Motel in Indiana State where the program was very well organized in the year 2006. All the expenses were borne by them. This is certainly a unique example for the Samaj. During the year 2008, a two day’s long program was organized at Cincinnati Ohio where Dr.Umakantbhai, Meenaben and their family extended their help and cooperation for this celebration.

America’s adjoining Country Canada where 18 families were residing orgaqnized a celebratory program at the Motel owned by Shri Kamalbhai & his wife Bobby (Krupaben). This program was attended by us , along with Chandubhai Patel, Shankarbhai Patel , Pravinbhai Patel & Vitthalbhai Patel.

All the families residing here love their native place very much. They never miss any opportunity during any difficulties faced by the fellows in native lands.

During the year 2004, when due to devastating flood of Heran River, natives of Kashipura and nearby villages suffered heavily and were very badly hit. The people living here from Kashipura,collected their large contributions and extended their cooperation to their needy village fellows. In the same manner when Kalidoli’s Sunilbhai who expired at a very young age, few residents of our Samaj have offered their financial help to bereaved family. The ‘Old Age Home’ constructed in the village Kosindra also received a big financial contribution and help,from our Samaj.

Because of my cordial & strong relations with the leaders of other communities,and with the help of my co workers Mr. Pravinbhai, Vitthalbhai and Rakesh Patel various Industrialists, Doctors, Social Workers, and other VIPs started attending programs organized by our Samaj. They were facilitated by our Samaj. The Children borne in this country and having Higher Education also started attending these functions, and now also take interest in various programs.

Lets pray that our Samaj makes continuous progress and every one should remain vigilant and should understand the importance of this work. It is very important to have sponsorship in order to retain & support activities of Samaj. It is very important to develop our Samaj economically through small smaller services. Only present elders living here can pass on the cultural values of our community to next generation.

Quite often, due to various Auspicious Occasions of Celebrations in the family living here, right from beginning people have been “Welcome to America’ to attend such functions. Thereafter for New Jobs, New Home , Birthday party Sweet Sixteen, BabyShower,Marriages,Anniversaries,Deaths like these occasions,come in every family.Keeping these all occasions in mind we request all to give sponsorship in our samaj’s functions,like Picinic & Diwali Celebration. Everyone can contribute from their
side and repay the social debt towards Samaj. Such is our humble request. In this we need your kind cooperation whole heartedly.

The Person can not live alone, in solitary circumstances. In order to live well, methodically, the rules and regulation so formed, through relations and family system and the society have been formed. Lets all unite and come together. Let us work for the development of our society and prosperity. Let us come together , unite and extend fullest cooperation, so that in future we will celebrate the Silver Jubilee in very large number successfully.


Pravin Patel
Year: 2012 – 2015

Sandip Patel
Year: 2012 – 2015

Tushar Patel
Year: 2012 – 2015


Vitthalbhai Patel
Year: 2012 – 2015

Mitesh (Bindu) Patel
Year: 2012 – 2015

past president
Ratibhai Patel
Year: 2012 – 2015

Bhaskar Patel
Past Vice-President
Year: 2012 – 2015

Dinubhai B Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015

Chirag Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015


Harshadbhai Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015

Jagdish B Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015

Jayshil Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015

Rakesh Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015

Parthiv Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015

Mahesh D Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015

Vishnu Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015

Yogina Patel
Committee Member
Year: 2012 – 2015

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